Dance Works Studio
A Center for the Arts
85 W 300 N Gunnison

Guidelines and Prices
Students are expected and encouraged to attend all classes. Tuition will not be pro-rated if a class is missed. Please do your best to be to all classes & performances. We move at a fast learning pace and it is very hard to reteach material that one sudent has missed the previous week. In our new facility, parents will be allowed to watch their dancers through our one way viewing windows, but until that time please do not stay for classes. Distractions in our little classes have gotten out of hand. Please use the time to run errands. I know its hard to leave your little tiny tots but it is more beneficial to them if you do. Also, please have your dancer use the restroom BEFORE class. All students must have hair pulled back. No jewelry, gum, candy, pop, or food is allowed and cell phones must be turned off. No street clothes or pajamas. ABSOLUTELY NO BARE FEET OR SOCKS IN DANCE CLASS! Dance shoes are REQUIRED! Leotards and tights are required for ballet classes.
A costume deposit is due at the time of registration. $35 for girls, $15 for boys per class. Costumes cost around $60. You will pay the remaining balance due on your costumes in November. This makes it nice because you aren't having to come up with the whole amount right before Christmas and school shopping. All dancers also need Dance Works tights $10.
Tiny Tots- pink ballet slippers & black tap shoes
Jazz- tan gore boots
Clogging- black clogging shoes
Ballet- pink ballet slippers
Ballroom- girls-tan ballroom shoes, boys- black dress shoes
Hip Hop- silver sneakers
Tumbling & Aerial Silks- bare feet
Competition- tan gore boots
Cheer- white tennis shoes
All students will perform at the December and April recitals. Admission is free. We also perform at GVHS JV basketball half times. The high school charges $1 for admission to watch half time performances. All competitions are required for competition teams.
Family and Multi Class Rates
1 person multiple classes -
1 class per week - $35 per month
2 classes per week - $65
3 classes per week- $80
Dance/Tumbling combo- $55
Tumbling alone- $40 a month
Competition Teams
Prices depend on what team you are on. The longer the class, the higher the price.
Martial Arts- $30 per month for one, $25 for two, $15 if taking a dance class.
Family Rates -
1st and 2nd child pay full price
3rd child and every child after pays ½ price on their lessons
You can choose to pay the entire year upfront for a 10% discount. Please note that this is non-refundable.
FEES-Due Upfront before dance starts!
$15 Registration Fee per dancer $30 max per family
$35 Costume Fee for girls per class
$15 Costume Fee for boys per class
Everyone must pay this fee.
Remember this is not the full cost of your costume. You will make another payment in November to finish paying for your costume. I will let you know your remaining balance after I have ordered costumes.
Example: Kylee takes a competition class, technique & clogging. Her sister Katie takes hip hop, & jazz tumbling combo. They would pay $30 registration, $140 costume fee (4 performing classes). Total of $170.